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_ C O N C E P T   A R T   F O R   A   F E A T U R E   F I L M _

An R-rated love story set in the 90's involving theft, deceit, 50's inspired musical numbers, nifty cliches, one liners, tragic back stories, a love-making session back-lit by moonlight, a shocking plot twist, and the American Dream. The New York Times will love it. Buy it now!

" T H E   B E A U T Y   W I T H I N "

contact me if you are interested in reading the full screenplay

Full layout render of the location, based on the Lucas Theatre in downtown Savannah, GA.

Done in Col-Erase colored pencil on 12-Field animation paper.

Model Sheets for the main characters of the film.

Done on 12-Field animation paper with red Col-Erase colored pencil and graphite.

Arranged in Photoshop.

Full renders of the main actors of this MOTION PICTURE SOAP OPERA.

Done on 12-Field animation paper with Blue Col-Erase colored pencil.

Fully rendered layout compositions.

Done on 12-Field animation paper with Blue Col-Erase colored pencil.

Overhead Map of Beau's Diner. Camera in place at the 3/4 exposition shot.

Notation sketches on tip-jar design / construction and the OFFICIAL SELECTION All-American flag. Yee-haw.

Done on 12-Field animation paper with Blue Col-Erase colored pencil.

Fully rendered character compositions.

Plus a size comparison sheet.

Done on 12-Field animation paper with Blue Col-Erase colored pencil.

Phoebe Fowl Maquette. 6'' in height.

Sculpted out of SuperSculpey and baked in a hot car on a bright spring day.

Secured to wood panel for base.

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